Improve Workflow Process History (SignOffs)
The Workflow History Report is a testament to taste and style. At least it was at the time it was designed – the early 2000s. A time were Aras was working with state of the art 4:3 CRT monitors – just like everybody else.
Much of their very special “feeling for usability” can actually be explained with 640 x 480 pixels!
Anyway, let´s see if we can bring this one to the present by adding the following improvements:
- Use space more efficiently
- Don´t mix-up votes when delegating a task
- Show latest activities first
- Offer more room for vote comments
Current Situation
Step 1
Customize Method Workflow History Report. Add the property created_on into select statement. We need this one to fix the mixed up delegation sort order.
Step 2
Customize Report Workflow Process History. This steps will increase the overall size of the vote dialog. Just increase this little value in the Workflow Process History and instantly you will make Aras HD ready!
Step 3
Customize Report Workflow Process History. With this little change you can revert the sort order of SignOffs and give the comments column more space.
The tiny little chances above will lead to the following result:
Isn´t it fascinating how easy it is to solve the Brexit with an Express ECO?
Shown examples are based on Aras Innovator 11 SP12. For information purposes only. Use at your own risk!
That’s great improvisation! I had a question related to “Refresh” of the “SingOffs” tab. Currently the user has to click another relationship tab and then click “refresh” on the item and then click the “SignOffs” tab to see the updated “Workflow History Report”. Is it possible to have a button on the relationship grid, clicking on which would refresh / reload the “Workflow History Report”
Hi Sundar,
I was able to add a refresh option directly to the signoffs page by doing the following:
In the Aras Code Tree installation directory:
Update the top part of the xml file to add another buttonsize:
Then inside the tag I added a new button element that adds a refresh button:
Then from Innovator search under the Forms itemtype for “Workflow Signoffs”. Edit the form and in the “calculate_html” html field update the “onClickItem” function in the script tag of the html code to:
function onClickItem(item) {
if (item.getId() === “refresh”) {
var activeFrame = aras.getMostTopWindowWithAras(window).frames.relationships.frameElement.document.activeElement;
else {
aras.saveString2File(function () { return Core_reportHTML; }, item.getId());
Thank you!!
I just realized that the xml tags I put in my reply actually got interpreted by the browser as html (this is really bad btw for this comment system as it can lead to XSS vulnerabilities, comments should be property escaping html).
Here is the missing xml updates for the WorkflowSignoff_toolbar.xml (manually escaped xml):
Update top xml line:
<toolbarapplet on_click="treeGrid1_onToolbarClick" on_load="toobarStart" buttonstyle="windows" buttonsize="26,25,25" font="Arial-bold-10">
Add button element:
<button image="../images/Refresh.svg" id="refresh" tooltip="Refresh Signoff">Refresh</button>